Friday, March 11, 2011

dear children, i promise

almost to the day fifteen years ago {gasp} i gave a book to my Mom. the title- "To Mom: a gift book written by children for mothers everywhere." kinda corny but super sweet. inside the front cover:

reading my young self's handwritten sentiments brought tears to my eyes. i remember the fun parties my mom hosted for me. i remember ruining her brand new coffee table. i remember her laughing.

and here i am. 15 years later. a mom. i want to have grace. i want to laugh. i want my kids to write me love notes. i want them to know what i have in my heart for them.

this is my vow.

dear children,
i promise to never gang up on you.
i promise to never turn you against one another.
i promise to never try to wrongfully influence you.
i promise to always pray for you.
i promise to never give up on you.
i promise to be your biggest fan.
i promise to be there for you at the drop of a hat.
i promise to have grace and forgive easily.
i promise to wait up til you get home, and greet you with a hug.
i promise to hold high expectations because i know you can.
i promise to be easy to talk to.
i promise to nurture your brother-sister bond.
i promise never to make you feel like a burden.
i promise to really listen.
i promise to apologize.
i promise to throw you the best parties ever.
i promise to be nice to your friends.
i promise to help you do the right thing.
i promise to pay attention.
i promise to never label you.
i promise to always have a hug for you.
i promise to never let you go to bed angry.
i promise to give you my best.
i promise to stand up for you.
i promise to always tell you the truth.
i promise to always trust you.
i promise never to take you for granted.
i promise to fight for you, with you.
i promise to support your decisions.
i promise you explanations.
i promise you can always come home.
i promise to keep your baby blankets.
i promise to cherish these moments.
i promise to protect you.
i promise to laugh with you, not at you.
i promise it's okay to cry.
i promise to show you the world.
i promise to take a million pictures.
i promise i won't show the embarrassing ones.
i promise to take care of my business and let you handle yours.
i promise to not burden you.
i promise to respect you.
i promise to not manipulate you.
i promise to love your children and your grandchildren.
i promise to be the mom you want, the mom you need.
i promise to thank God for you.
i promise to hold your hand.
i promise this family is forever.
i promise to love you always. always.

what promises are in your heart for your children? i want to encourage you to write them down, let your children know, speak them out loud, and keep those promises close to your heart.